Friday 18 March 2011

Into a Blogger's Shoe

Awesome!! those are the first 7 keys I arbitrarily pressed on the keyboard to start blogging. Oh! I felt that awesomeness so awesome that it took more than 15 mins to think what to write in my first blog? Even though I realize it's the second time I am blogging...oops when was the first time? I think we all started blogging with the "about me" section in networking sites, although there was not a option for reader's opinion and at the same time we have to deal with lots of pop ups in the form of friends and notifications. Well for the last half an hour I have a  feeling of having my own space to recollect my thoughts and put it them together without those pop-ups.
What made me think for blogging?
I am pretty regular in making comments on videos, articles across different sites and today also i was doing the same and just by chance after an hour i hit on the same article and found my comment was having second most number of people agreeing with the opinion, that made me curious to check out my recent comments and  found people do agree with my thoughts and this push initiated a thought to get into a blogger's shoe!!  
Ah! I got a title.

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